Are You Ready to Learn How to do ISA Energy Clearing?

If you are, then I would love to invite you to join me for a 3 hour interactive workshop where you will learn the basics of ISA Energy Clearing and at the end be able to confidently perform energy clearing on yourself and others.
Some of the benefits of ISA Energy Clearing are:
Help you to dissolve and remove any stuck energies in all of your energy fields and chakras.
Help you to dissolve and reduce Anxiety and Stress.
Help you to dissolve and reduce Money and Abundance Blocks.
Help you to dissolve and reduce your energetic blocks.
Help you to dissolve limiting beliefs.
Help you to dissolve lower energies taking on from the collective.
Help you to dissolve and reduce emotions such as fear,  
And so much more.
During our time together, you:
Will learn the various ways to process energies.
Will learn how to do basic muscle testing.
Will learn how to use a pendulum to test the energies.
Will learn how to do ISA Energy Clearing on yourself and others.
Will receive a manual which will include a list of emotions, some common limiting beliefs in the areas of money, love, relationships, and so much more.
At the end of this workshop you will understand the basics of ISA Energy Clearing and be able to perform energy clearings for yourself and others.
We also have a private FB group where you can connect with other participants, trade sessions and ask me questions!
You will also get a chance to get certified as a certified ISA Energy Clearing Practitioner.
The live class is on Saturday May 23 at 11:00am Pacific/2:00 pm Easter/7:00pm UK. It will be about 3 hours
What is the investment?
The regular investment for this course will be $297 USD.
Everyone who signs up will receive the following:
All of the recordings from my April 2020 Energy Clearing. Value is $97 USD.
Are you ready to learn how to do energy clearing on yourself and others?