Integrated Soul Activations was created by Patricia LeBlanc and came through for her in 2017 as a series of Divine Downloads and Insights from Divine Source, Angels and her Guides.

Integrated Soul Activations provides you with powerful tools that help you create and abundant life. This is a modality that allows for deep transformational healing, mindset work, and co-creating at the highest level, across all time, dimensions and reality and on all levels. You’ll release lifetimes of negative beliefs, vows and contracts in order to achieve divine inner alignment and become a pure channel for limitless healing power to flow through you.

This modality is gentle yet powerful enough that you can use it on children and even on your pets. During this Integrated Soul Activations Certification course, you will learn how to do deep transformational healing work on yourself and on others. You will acquire manifesting secrets which Patricia has only shared with her private clients. She will give you tools that will not only open up your spiritual gifts, but also help you manifest infinite abundance in your life and in your business. The modality is structured in such a way that it doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a more advanced healer, you will be able to practice this modality with ease.

Learn more about Integrated Soul Activations Level 1 Certification HERE

Here are what come of Patricia Clients and Students have to say about Integrated Soul Activations: